
ElfQuest: The audio movie

Created by The Fantasy Network

The official, lavish reimagining of the ElfQuest comic saga by Wendy and Richard Pini, brought to life in the theater of your mind. Missed the campaign and want to add a full pledge level? Email [email protected] for assistance.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Shipping Begins! What to Expect & How to Get Help
over 2 years ago – Tue, Nov 15, 2022 at 11:49:44 PM

We're thrilled to announce that our USA fulfillment partners at Gamerati have begun shipping rewards to backers, and warehouses in the EU and Canada aren't far behind. Thanks for your patience while we got everything in place to ship rewards to you!

If you're in the USA, you'll receive an email from Gamerati when your package ships. With thousands of orders to fulfill, packages are shipping in waves. We'll be sure to let you know when everything has been shipped;  at that time, anyone who hasn't received that email or their package should ask for support.

Any time thousands of packages ship, some small percentage of orders will end up damaged in transit... but don't worry! We have extra stock and are all set to help any backers with damaged merchandise get a replacement. 

IF SOMETHING IN YOUR ORDER ARRIVES DAMAGED, please fill out this form and we'll get right on assisting you. The form is the fastest and most efficient way for us to track issues and help everyone. For optimal service, please be sure to use the name and email address that are associated with your pledge when you fill out the form.

IF YOU ARE AN INTERNATIONAL BACKER, stay tuned for imminent shipment start date notifications. Backers in the EU (and most adjacent countries) and Canada will have packages shipped domestically: no VAT or GST should be due on delivery.

IF YOU HAVEN'T RECEIVED YOUR DIGITAL REWARDS, please send us a message. All digital rewards except for the fan mosaic poster have been delivered. We're leaving open picture submissions for the mosaic poster as long as possible so everyone can be included. With new uploads still happening every day, we're not ready to close that door yet.

Digital Rewards & Extras Distribution
over 2 years ago – Fri, Oct 07, 2022 at 03:14:34 PM

Hi everyone!

Please be sure to check your email today for new messages from BackerKit. We're sending out the following digital downloads via BackerKit email, which should arrive over the next eight hours. You may also log into your BackerKit account to access every download at once.

  • ElfQuest Season One Soundtrack (stretch goal reward, $50 and higher)
  • All-Access Pass (backer reward, $50 and higher)
  • Social Media Holt Badges (backer reward, $10 and higher))
  • Mosaic Poster Photo Upload Invites (stretch goal reward)

Need more information about how to download each reward? Read on!

Season One Soundtrack

We're providing three download options for backers receiving the soundtrack stretch goal.

  • AACs in a ZIP file
  • MP3s in a ZIP file
  • A backup Google Drive link with individual MP3s

ZIP files are compressed files that your home computer can unpack for you. ZIP files don't work very well on mobile (at least without 3rd-party apps) so we recommend downloading to your computer. From there you can add them to your music application of choice. ZIP files are the best and most standard way for us to deliver this complete album to you. AACs are a high-quality audio format that may not work on every device. MP3s are more compressed, but also more compatible.

If you are ONLY on mobile, you may find it easier to access the individual files at the Google Drive link. Please note that mobile operating systems differ too much for us to offer individual tech support for downloading these files directly to your mobile device. Please Google "how to download and add music to [name of device]" for specific instructions.

All-Access Pass

BackerKit will send you a link to a private Vimeo album with a number of exclusive videos. Please be sure to read the email (or check the text instructions on BackerKit) to get the password you'll need in order to access the album.

Social Media Holt Badges

These are provided as a ZIP file in two variants: JPG and PNG. The JPGs are solid images of each holt badge. The PNGs include transparency information so that they can be used as an overlay with (for example) a profile photo. The PNGs require some technical knowledge of layers and graphics editing and are included as a bonus for technically-inclined backers. We are not able to provide individual graphics training. If you're curious about how to acquire this skill, Google "how to layer a transparent png over another layer."

Mosaic Photo Poster

Each backer has been assigned a unique link to the PollUnit service, which will allow you to upload a photo of yourself to be used in the ElfQuest Backer Photo Mosaic Poster. Please upload your photo before the end of October. We will review every photo to make sure that it is appropriate and reserve the right to reject any submissions that are not in good taste.

You do NOT need to vote on photos or to worry about photo voting. It's an additional feature of the PollUnit platform that doesn't apply to this project.

Please note that you will need to verify your submission via a confirmation email from PollUnit.

We're Locking Addresses for Shipping!
over 2 years ago – Thu, Sep 15, 2022 at 08:36:54 PM

Hey, everyone – we have WONDERFUL news.  

After supply chain delays and drama on the high seas, we are thrilled to report that we are now ready to send shipping information to our fulfillment warehouses in Greece, Canada, and the US so that your rewards can be packed and shipped to YOU. 

We are sending 48 hour address confirmation notice emails from BackerKit tomorrow morning (Thursday, September 15)! If you have ANY changes to make to your shipping address, make sure that you use the address-change link in that email (or go to BackerKit and retrieve your account information) and do that within 48 hours of receiving tomorrow's BackerKit address lock notice. After that we will lock down the addresses so that we can provide our shipping centers with the information they need to start packing and shipping rewards. 

Our place in the shipping queue differs from warehouse to warehouse, so we will be sure to update you when shipping from those locations begins. But we can finally see the end of this long journey in sight.

If you know that your address is changing, but can't update it yet, or if you have another issue that prevents updating or confirming your address, please send an email directly to [email protected] for assistance. We know that there may be edge cases: if you're one of them, don't panic, just reach out. We still have time to resolve your support requests, even if you miss the 48-hour address update window.

The Audio Movie is Here
over 2 years ago – Wed, Sep 07, 2022 at 06:50:54 PM

Hi everyone!

There's a lot to cover in this update, so here's a tl;dr

  • Pledged at the $25 or higher level? Check your email for your personalized download
  • Pre-ordered the audio movie on BackerKit? Log in there for your digital download
  • Listen and review on iTunes and Spotify
  • Need assistance? Send us a message or email (we may not see your comment)
  • Physical Rewards status: palletizing for Greece, minis almost to our US warehouse
  • What if you haven't filled our surveys or paid for shipping? Please do, so we can send rewards.

$25 & Higher Pledges: Your Digital Download

Did you pledge for the $25 or higher reward level? Did you fill out your survey? We've emailed your personalized, Digital Rights Management-free MP3 of the entire production, all four hours of it! This is your copy to own and play on any audio player of your choice, forever, exclusively for backers of the ElfQuest Audio Movie crowdfunding campaign.
  PS - this is a large file (500+ MB) so be patient and note this is not ideal to transfer over a phone data connection. If you have any issues receiving your file, reach out to us at [email protected].

Pre-Ordered the Audio Movie on BackerKit?

If you selected the Audio Movie as an add-on, or ordered it after the campaign, your digital copy is available right now in your BackerKit account. Please check your email for the BackerKit link, or log into your account at

We Need You to Rate and Review!

Your generous support during the crowdfunding campaign last year made it possible for us to release the ElfQuest Audio Movie as a free 10-episode podcast for all the world to enjoy. It premiered on September 1st on all major podcast platforms.
Even though you now have your very own copy, we're asking ALL backers to please rate, review, and follow the free podcast version now.
 If you each do that ElfQuest will have the biggest launch possible--which must happen if we want Season Two to become reality. We know we can count on you!
Click Here Now to Rate and Review the ElfQuest Audio Movie Podcast

Getting Support and Assistance

Our team is eager to help you with any customer service needs that you have. We've noticed that some people are posting comments with support requests on old updates, rather than messaging us. Our team can't guarantee that we'll see every comment, so if you need help please reach out with one of the following methods:

  • Kickstarter Direct Message
  • Email [email protected]
  • Open a support ticket on the ElfQuest Discord server

Those are the fastest ways to make sure we can assist you!

Physical Rewards Status

We've prepared our data exports for our three fulfillment warehouses, in the USA, Canada, and Greece. Our team at the US warehouse just palletized the rewards that will fulfill from Greece (EU, Asia, and rest of world) and those will ship to Greece next week. As a reminder if you're in the EU, we're paying VAT when we import into Greece, so that EU shipments can go out as domestic packages.

The two pallets of miniatures made it off the boat and are now on a truck driving from Chicago to Seattle. We expect them to arrive shortly! When they do we will palletize the Canadian orders and send them to our Canadian fulfillment warehouse... and we will begin US fulfillment!

IF YOU NEED TO CHANGE YOUR ADDRESS: you can access your BackerKit account and update your address at We will also send the following before we lock addresses:

  • A Kickstarter update letting you know that addresses will lock shortly
  • An email from BackerKit letting you know that addresses will be locking in 48-hours

I Haven't Finished My Survey or Paid for Shipping

93 backers haven't completed the survey process or (if relevant) paid for shipping/VAT. If you want to be in the first wave of shipments, please do so within the next week. Any backers who have not completed that process by the time fulfillment begins will be placed into our Second Wave shipping group. At that time we'll email/message you individually and work one-on-one to help resolve any issues that are preventing you from completing your surveys and receiving your rewards.

You can retrieve your survey at or contact us for assistance to get a personalized direct-access link.

Rewards & Release Schedule
over 2 years ago – Wed, Aug 17, 2022 at 11:04:24 AM

Big Update on Backer Rewards!

Ayoooah! We've got some big updates about when you'll receive your remaining backer rewards from the ElfQuest Audio Movie crowdfunding campaign. 

Please read this whole update thoroughly for all the details!

Digital Rewards

Every backer at the $25 level and up is receiving a personalized copy of the entire audio movie. This is your very own Digital Rights Management-free MP3 that you can save and play on any audio player.

  All of these personalized copies have been created and are currently uploading to the server from which they'll be emailed to you. With over 2,400 individual files each over four hours long, it's a massive amount of data and will take some days to upload, but we anticipate the process being completed and your digital versions sent to you very, very soon!

  Other digital rewards statuses:

  • 10 Minute Preview -- delivered
  • ElfQuest Audio Movie Discord - delivered
  • Howl Opportunity - delivered
  • Early Access (Livestream Listening Parties) -- delivered
  • Digital All-Access Pass - coming soon
  • Digital Holt Badge - coming soon
  • Backer Credit on Audio Movie Website - coming soon
  • ElfQuest Mosaic Poster - coming soon
  • Soundtrack - coming soon
  • Zoom Call with Wendy & Richard - to begin scheduling in September

Physical Rewards

The fine art prints featuring the art from the front and back covers of ElfQuest issues 1-5 were all delivered to those who purchased them last winter.

  All of the other physical rewards—the sending star pins, the Bearclaw wolf-head amulet, the signing cards, the tribe patches, the script books, signed bookplates, the poster prints and #ayoooah! hats—have been manufactured and are waiting in our warehouses, with the exception of the miniature figures.

  The minis took longer than anticipated to manufacture and ship to us, but we are thrilled to report that they have been completed and are en route from the UK to our warehouse in the Seattle area. We are tracking their progress and expect them to get to us the first week in September. Once they do, the process of packaging up each backer's rewards for shipping will begin. Rewards for backers in the EU and other locations will ship from our Greece warehouse. We appreciate everyone's patience!

Last Chance to Update Your Address!

If you need to update the mailing address where we'll ship your physical rewards, this is your last chance! 

  Log in to Backerkit using the email you used to pledge (whether it was during the Earlybird campaign or the Kickstarter campaign) and update your address ASAP here:

  One exception: if you purchased the fine art print add-ons (again, these were the large prints of the front and back covers of ElfQuest issues 1-5), your address was locked in Backerkit when we shipped those prints to you last winter. If you purchased those prints and need to update your address to receive the rest of your rewards, you must reach out to Ben Dobyns at [email protected] and they'll manually update your record on the back end.

View Your Pledge Details

As always, you can view your pledge level and see all of the rewards and any add-ons that you purchased in Backerkit here.

  Reminder, charges for your pledge and shipping costs have already been collected with the exception of a few folks whose cards didn't process or who filled out their backer survey information very late (if that's you, we'll be in touch about that soon).

Public Release and ASL Edition

Thanks to the support of all of the crowdfunding backers, the public premiere of the ElfQuest Audio Movie as a free 10-episode podcast is Thursday, September 1st! It will be available on all major podcast platforms, including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, Google Podcasts, iHeart Radio and more. Just search "ElfQuest" on your favorite platform to find it.

Important! We are asking all backers to rate and review ElfQuest on Apple Podcasts (or your preferred platform) now. Your rates and reviews of the public version are critical to ensuring the biggest launch possible to get us closer to making Season Two a reality! Rate and Review here:

  The closed-captioned ASL edition is in post-production and we anticipate a September 1st release as well.

Special thanks to our friends at the Knack Factory for their expert production team and Pine Tree Services for their enormous talent. Here are some behind-the-scenes production photos!

Click Here to Listen, Rate and Review the ElfQuest Audio Movie Now!