
ElfQuest: The audio movie

Created by The Fantasy Network

The official, lavish reimagining of the ElfQuest comic saga by Wendy and Richard Pini, brought to life in the theater of your mind. Missed the campaign and want to add a full pledge level? Email [email protected] for assistance.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Casting Update —Ahdri!
over 3 years ago – Sun, Jun 13, 2021 at 08:21:03 AM

Hi everyone —

We're thrilled to announce today that Abie Ekenezar has joined the ElfQuest Audio Movie cast in the role of Ahdri!

Abie Ekenezar is an actress, singer, screenwriter and VO artist living in Seattle, WA working in the entertainment industry professionally with IMDB credits for over seven years.  Their acting and singing took on many spots while in the United States Navy for over ten years.  Outside of the Navy, they are best known for their leading role on Retch (2018) and has done background work on shows like Grimm, Portlandia, Man in the High Castle, JourneyQuest 3.5 and Librarians.   Abie’s directorial debut was for the film short Prefer-Racial Treatment and is currently working on an Octavia Butler anthology to be filmed in 2022.  They also released their first book anthology, Cooties: Shot Required, published in March 2021 along with their newest book Ageless: A Haunting of Orchard House.  Their VO work ranges from Amazon and Audible and currently teaches Voiceover, A Student’s Perspective at Freehold Theater in Seattle.

Campaign Check In

We're just crossing the halfway mark on the campaign to fund the ElfQuest Audio Movie and would love to hear from you! What are you excited about? What would you like to hear more details about? Share your feedback and questions in the comments—we'll read and reply!

New Stretch Goal + New Cast Announcement
over 3 years ago – Fri, Jun 11, 2021 at 05:24:56 PM

New Cast Member Announced

The production team is working every day on signing incredible new actors and we're thrilled today to share that Hugo Pierre Martin is joining the ElfQuest Audio Movie as Redlance!

Finding actors who are also ElfQuest fans has been a real gift to production, as their passion and love for the material comes through in the work. Welcome, Hugo!

New Stretch Goals

Thanks to the support of 667 backers, the ElfQuest Audio Movie has crossed $57,000 and unlocked four new signing cards! Every backer at $50 and higher will receive these additional cards as part of their pledge rewards.

Our next stretch goal is a fan request: at $65,000 we're turning the ElfQuest Sending Star into an enamel pin and will include it in every $50 and higher pledge!

Stay tuned to future updates for a full design and mockup from the manufacturer. We have more cast members to announce, more rewards to reveal, and more teasers from production to share!

First Stretch Goal + First Cast Read Through
over 3 years ago – Thu, Jun 10, 2021 at 05:00:53 PM

Hi everyone!

Two awesome pieces of news to share today:

  • New Signing Cards revealed
  • Update from Wendy & Richard on the cast readthrough

Stretch Goal Revealed

We're excited to announce our first stretch goal. At $57,000 we'll going to add four more signing cards to the $50 pledge level!

Wendy just designed these and we think they're gorgeous! This reward is unlocked as soon as we reach $57,000. We're revealing the two now and will reveal the next cards at $56,000 and $57,000.

Read Through

(From Richard) 

And then this happened. Thursday, June 10, the very first ElfQuest room read for the audio movie.

Left to right, top to bottom: Fred Greenhalgh, director; Elfpop and Elfmom, executive producers (and script editor Wendy); James Oliva, scripter; Jonathan Woodward, producer; Divinity Roxx, "Leetah"; Osric Chau, "Skywise"; Pun Bandhu, "Rayek": Alejandro Saab, "Cutter"; Cree Summer, "Savah".

Wendy and I stayed off-camera for the read-through, as we didn't want to distract these marvelous voice actors. "Voice actors" is too prosaic a term; they truly channeled their characters. It was exhilarating and spooky all at once. For the very first time - ever - we actually heard the voices of our elves as we know in our heads and hearts they really sound like.

Three hours later, we are more confident than ever that the audio movie is the best thing that has happened to ElfQuest since Wendy first put pen to paper. We're not crying; you're all crying!

(From Wendy) 

When actors of this caliber, several of whom already knew of Elfquest, apply their talents to bringing these characters to life, what happens is nothing short of a revelation! The Recognition scene between Cutter and Leetah -- holy s$%^&*!!! You just have no idea! WE had no idea! Honest to dreamberries, Richard and I feel that Elfquest's fans around the world are going to get their collective minds blown by this audio movie, which will prove to be a vastly more intimate listening experience than any flashy visuals could ever provide!

$500 Level Updated with Sterling Silver Amulet
over 3 years ago – Wed, Jun 09, 2021 at 08:28:21 AM

Hi everyone!

On a recent livestream, Wendy Pini commented that she wished that a small, sterling silver version of Bearclaw's Amulet was available. So we did some research, got some manufacturing quotes... and now it is!

Today, we're updating the $500 pledge level to give you a choice of amulet:

  • Option 1 – 50mm Stainless Steel Amulet
  • Option 2 – 15mm Sterling Silver Amulet

The silver version is small, dainty, and ideal for a necklace or charm. It's made of solid sterling silver, hand-polished until it shines.

Anyone who pledges for the $500 level will be given their choice in the post-campaign pledge manager of receiving the large stainless steel or the small sterling silver amulet!

Nightfall Casting Announcement!
over 3 years ago – Tue, Jun 08, 2021 at 05:51:11 PM

Amber Benson has joined the ElfQuest Audio Movie as the character of Nightfall!

Amber Benson is the author of both the Death’s Daughter and The Witches of Echo Park urban fantasy series for Penguin and the middle grade book Among The Ghosts for Simon and Schuster. Behind the camera, she co-directed the Slamdance feature film Drones and (co-wrote) and directed the BBC animated series The Ghosts of Albion. In her previous incarnation as an actor, she spent three years as ‘Tara Maclay’ on the cult television series Buffy The Vampire Slayer.

Trustworthy, brave and determined, Nightfall is defender of all she loves and believes in. She would have no fear of felling a longtooth with just a knife in her hand—but she would prefer to have her bow. A skilled huntress, she kills to provide and protect. While Nightfall embraces her rugged wolf-side, she is also an embodiment of feminine sensuality.

The ElfQuest Audio Movie is a full audio adaptation of the classic comic series, with over forty actors, a lush cinematic score, full sound effects, and narration by Cree Summer as Savah. The audio movie is funded directly by the ElfQuest community!