The official, lavish reimagining of the ElfQuest comic saga by Wendy and Richard Pini, brought to life in the theater of your mind.
Missed the campaign and want to add a full pledge level? Email [email protected] for assistance.
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Episode One Wrap And Thanks!
about 3 years ago
– Fri, Jan 28, 2022 at 10:42:24 AM
This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.
Link for Sat Jan 22 Audio Movie Screening
about 3 years ago
– Mon, Jan 17, 2022 at 08:02:03 PM
This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.
ELFQUEST SURPRISE! Private Advance Listening Party Event
about 3 years ago
– Fri, Jan 14, 2022 at 12:48:31 AM
Ayoooah, ElfQuest Audio Movie backers!
A critical moment in our audio movie quest is here, packmates… And we are deeply, deeply excited to announce to you, our pointy-eared backers, that your ears are about to hear with joy!
And so…. you are cordially invited to join us for the..
Super-Duper COVID Blues-Chasing
ElfQuest Audio Movie
Backers-Only Listening Party
Episode 1 Livestream Event
Saturday, January 22,from 5pm-7pm EST.
That’s right! SAVE THAT DATE! In less than two weeks you'll get to listen to Episode One of ElfQuest: The Audio Movie alongside your fellow backers and some very special guests at this streaming event.
Director Fred Greenhalgh will be unveiling the episode in an evening moderated by David "Thornbrake" Mizejewski of the ElfQuest fan tribe. EQAM Producer J Woodward will be joining us, and of course our very own High Ones themselves, Wendy and Richard Pini!
We'll have an evening of programming for you, a timed listen-along of the first episode, a brief intermission, then we’ll bring everyone back for reactions and Q&A with our team.
More details (including the actual link) coming soon.
Keep an eye out for these emails!
ElfQuest Audio Movie Team
P.S. Don't worry if you can't make this livestream listening event. Backers will be able to stream the episode afterward.
December ElfQuest Update
about 3 years ago
– Mon, Dec 06, 2021 at 09:33:18 PM
Hi everyone!
We're excited to share our latest progress report with you.
First of all, post-production on the audio movie continues. All of the dialogue is in place, and we are in the very exciting stage of making sound effects and music! Here's a snapshot of some of the props used to create the soundscape (bonus points for anyone who can guess which episode these go with!)
Foley SFX
Creating an immersive audio movie is a mix of real-world instruments and embellishing layered effects within a computer's DAW (Digital Audio Workstation). A completed project may have hundreds of individually layered tracks.
Here's a glimpse into what an episode with most of the component parts in place looks like:
ProTools Session
We're not prepared to share new audio samples yet, but things are chugging right along!
Are you one of the Earlybird $250 backers who's been waiting for your chance to HOWL? The wait is almost over!! We're going to be recording a series of live recording sessions soon to collect those group sounds - stay tuned to your email if you fall into that camp.
We're also launching the ElfQuest Audio Movie Discord server this week, for backers at the $50 level and higher. Personal invites will go out via BackerKit email. If you haven't yet, please whitelist in your email client.
This last month has seen major progress on merch manufacturing. The following items are now ordered and in progress:
Audio Movie Hat – Manufacturing
Earlybird Movie Poster – Manufacturing
Backer Movie Poster – Manufacturing
Embroidered Patches – Manufacturing
Print Folios – On route to us
Bookplate – Manufacturing
Signing Cards – Manufacturing
Fine Art Prints – Delivered to us
If you ordered a fine art print, we'll be having a signing party with Wendy and Richard in mid-December, then will ship those prints immediately afterwards. Each print will be handled with white gloves, then be wrapped in 20" protective brown packing paper, inserted into a heavy-duty cardboard tube (with plastic end caps), then those tubes will go into USPS Priority Mail triangular boxes for maximum protection.
Once the Discord server launches, we'll be shifting attention to layout and content for the ElfQuest Audio Movie Script Book. Our goal is to provide not only the script, but supplementary materials from the creators.
We're also putting the final touches on the submission process for the ElfQuest Backer Mosaic poster. Start thinking about the image of yourself (or a pet, or a favorite plant) that you want to submit that will form part of the final artwork!
162 backers (out of 2934 across all platforms) have not yet completed BackerKit surveys. If you're one of the stragglers, please visit to retrieve your survey and complete the process. More details are available on the FAQ tab at
While we've had to face our share of unexpected pandemic-related complications, we're happy to report that this project continues to be on track—and we're still hoping to begin reward fulfillment ahead of schedule!
Extended Movie Preview + Miniature Sculpt Reveals
over 3 years ago
– Fri, Oct 29, 2021 at 12:41:54 AM
This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.