The official, lavish reimagining of the ElfQuest comic saga by Wendy and Richard Pini, brought to life in the theater of your mind.
Missed the campaign and want to add a full pledge level? Email [email protected] for assistance.
Latest Updates from Our Project:
$100,000 Raised, New Goals Announced
over 3 years ago
– Thu, Jun 24, 2021 at 04:00:14 AM
Wow, we're kind of speechless over here! Over 1100 backers have DOUBLED our initial goal, making it possible to elevate the ElfQuest Audio Movie beyond what we had hoped possible. And of course, your contributions have also helped us unlock a series of stretch goals:
A Nightrunner Miniature
Four New Signing Cards
The Sending Star Pin
The Soundtrack Digital Download
The Big Madcoil Mini
The Mosaic Backer Poster
With six days remaining in the campaign and momentum on our side, we're looking closely at the numbers to see if we can achieve our best-case-scenario stretch goal (see below) for the audio movie, but there are a few more steps to reach along the way.
So, with that in mind, we're thrilled to announce our next stretch goals.
$150,000 Stretch Goals
If we reach $150,000, we will add...
For our backers at $25 and up - Personalized Audio Movie Downloads
We will create a UNIQUE download of the audio movie for each $25-and-higher backer, greeting and thanking you by name in the opening. This offer is a huge undertaking—we anticipate over 2000 unique recordings and versions to make!—but it's our way of showing how much we appreciate the support of this community.
For our backers at $100 and up - Two New Miniatures
You will obviously get a personalized copy of the audio movie, but also:
A New Bearclaw mini!
A New Joyleaf mini!
New Reward Level
Several backers have asked if they can pledge at a higher level. After a brainstorming conversation with Wendy and Richard, we're thrilled to introduce our new $1000 pledge level:
$1000 – 1-on-1 Zooms with Wendy and Richard (plus all previous rewards from $500 and lower levels)
Wendy and Richard Pini are making themselves available for some intimate sit-downs with fans to talk about anything your heart desires! They will be joined by moderator J Woodward... and you! This is a 15-minute meet-and-greet. PLUS, Wendy and Richard will sign and personalize an ElfQuest audio movie print for you!
Only five are available to Kickstarter backers (we're saving some for our Earlybirds). And note, this reward does not include a new sketch.
The Best-Case Scenario
$150,000 gets us half of the way to $200,000, which is our estimate for the SUPER, ULTRA, MEGA stretch goal for the audio movie production. (As we get closer we'll run the numbers based on actual pledges and dial in an exact amount.) We weren't even sure that number could be in reach, but you all just pledged $30,000 in under four days. With six days remaining, and the final days likely to be some of our largest, it's entirely possible that we'll make it!
But no matter how much we raise in the final six days, you have helped prove that the ElfQuest community is strong, vibrant, and can't wait to keep the story alive! With your help we're keeping ElfQuest independent, creator-owned, and focused on being true to the vision that Wendy and Richard have been nurturing for forty years.
Scouter Casting Announced!
over 3 years ago
– Thu, Jun 24, 2021 at 04:00:03 AM
Thomas Trinh is an Indiana born, Atlanta local voice actor, puppeteer, and improvisor. He has performed as a voice actor as Rakshasa and Ye Wangzi in The Eye in Big Trouble in Little China and The Horror in The Dunwich Horror. He has also puppeteered on Adult Swim's Your Pretty Face is Going to Hell and DC's Doom Patrol. Thomas dreams of voicing giant monsters and humanoid sharks. . . and interrupting your music listening with a commercial for Spotify premium. He is excited to be joining the cast of ElfQuest as Scouter!!!
We are especially excited to have met Thomas through our casting process that brought in over 2000 submissions from all over the country! We loved Thomas and we heard Scouter shining through right away! We are thrilled to have him join this fabulous cast!
Stay tuned tomorrow and Monday, when we announce Clearbrook, Dewshine, and Sun-Toucher!
Dewshine casting announced!
over 3 years ago
– Thu, Jun 24, 2021 at 03:59:57 AM
Nicole Maines is an American actress and transgender rights activist. Prior to her acting career, she was the anonymous plaintiff in the Maine Supreme Judicial Court case Doe v. Regional School Unit 26, where she argued her school district could not deny her access to the female bathroom for being transgender. The court ruled in that barring transgender students from the school bathroom consistent with their gender identity is unlawful, the first such ruling by a state court. As an actress, Maines has played Nia Nal on The CW superhero series Supergirl since the fourth season. She is the first to portray a transgender superhero on television.
Dewshine, swift and graceful as a deer, is the most agile and free-spirited of the Wolfriders—and that takes some doing! She has a beautiful voice, full of melody and laughter. Song and dance are passions with her and she has a talent for mimicking birdsong. Dewshine trained with Pike in the art of storytelling.
We are thrilled to have Nicole join our cast and couldn't imagine a better actress to bring Dewshine's grace and music to life.
Clearbrook Casting Announced!
over 3 years ago
– Thu, Jun 24, 2021 at 03:59:42 AM
Clare Kramer is an award-winning actress, entertainment correspondent and pop culture authority, whose career has taken her from the role of vengeful goddess Glory on Buffy the Vampire Slayer to the uber-iconic Bring It On and her latest career as a new media executive of her company K4 Media. Clare’s wealth of knowledge as both an entertainer and new media executive has led to become one of the most sought-after moderators for comic cons around the world. In this position, she has hosted internationally live-streamed interviews and standing-room only panels with icons including Stan Lee, Chris Hemsworth, Gal Gadot, William Shatner, Lena Headey, Gwendoline Christie, Michael Rooker and Jeffrey Dean Morgan. When not acting, hosting or “geeking out” for a living, Clare is a devoted mother to her four children – Gavin, River, Sky and Hart; an avid yogi, and lover of good wine, conversation and the finer things in life.
Clearbrook is the eldest female Wolfrider, and as her name suggests, she’s calm, dignified and thoughtful, choosing her words carefully and fairly. She grew up a close friend of the equally wise Joyleaf and now, as an experienced elder, her quiet advice is rarely ignored by her tribemates.
For all of her loving wisdom and naturally calm ways, Clearbrook is a fierce warrior when necessary. But like most Wolfriders, in her heart she craves the green beauty of the forest and a simple life of hunting and howling with the wolfpack and her tribe.
And Pike will be played by....
over 3 years ago
– Thu, Jun 24, 2021 at 03:59:04 AM
Brennan Lee Mulligan is the creator and GM for Dimension 20, and a CollegeHumor cast member. He has taught and performed at the Upright Citizens Brigade Theater, co-created the webcomic Strong Female Protagonist, and written dozens of LARPs for the Wayfinder Experience summer camp in upstate New York. He recently started putting a little bit of cinnamon in his morning coffee, which he has described as "a real game changer."
Pike is the Wolfriders‘ happy-go-lucky storyteller, a fun-seeking and mischievous “keeper of the dreamberries,” always content with a roll in the furs and a sack of wine. Ready with a certain sarcastic insight that even a Go-Back would not mistake for intellect, Pike’s storytelling gifts nonetheless represent the memory of a tribe given to forgetting. His love of the easy path–and for the intoxicating berries–remains unchallenged by the heartbreak that befalls him more than once. If a more thoughtful side to Pike’s character eventually emerges, its manifestations are yet uncommon; he has no grand ideals or desire for quests, and constantly needs to be told what to do. His initiative is generally limited to matters of sex, low humor, partying, fighting, larceny, and sex.
We've just crossed the magical line where Kickstarter measures the remaining time for a campaign in hours, not days. With the campaign ending at 6pm Pacific Time this Friday, the opportunity to pledge is about to close forever. If you know an ElfQuest fan who would be sad to miss out, now is the time to let them know about the campaign!
Not sure what to share with them? Here are some resources!
And of course, the most important thing is your excitement and love for ElfQuest. So many of us, for so many years, have been affected and influenced by this story, from artists and writers to cosplayers and parents, that it often just takes a little reminder to bring back how ElfQuest made us feel the first time we read it. Now we get to share that feeling in community with each other as we prepare for the release of the ElfQuest Audio Movie! Thank you for your pledge, your support, and your love of ElfQuest!